Today dawah work has become a fad. There are many who are engaged in different activities in the name of dawah. Some are engaged in community work, some in social work, some in debates, some in conducting conferences and seminars, etc. All these people think that they are doing dawah work. But in reality dawah work is a special divine task. Both its principle and its method have been clearly set forth in the Quran.
Dawah has been called in the Quran ‘Calling People to God’ (2:143, 41:33). Calling people to God means making people aware of God’s Creation Plan, to inform man that the only right way of life for a person in this world is to lead a God-oriented life and not a self-oriented life or any other kind of life with a different orientation.
The method of dawah work has also been explained in the Quran i.e. it is to be performed by separating dawah work from other activities. Since this world is a testing ground, here people hold grudges against one another; they are harmed by one another. In such a situation the right method of dawah work for the dayee is to keep his patience unilaterally for all the harm suffered at the hands of his addressees’ (14:12) and continue his dawah work. Dawah work requires unconditional well-wishing for the addressee. When a believer discovers life’s reality, he has a boundless urge to make others aware of this reality. He should strive to save others from hell-fire and prepare them for the final entry into eternal paradise. It is this great and passionate urge to save people which results in dawah work. Dawah work is neither community work nor social work. It is work which is done for God alone and not for the fulfillment of any material needs.
We invite you to join the dawah mission.