One of the very important demands of humanity is that we should deal justly with others. In no circumstances should we follow the path of injustice or oppression. That is why Islam has laid great stress on adopting a just attitude.
The Qur’an states: ‘Allah enjoins justice and kindness’ (16:90).
At another place the Qur’an has this to say: ‘My Lord enjoins
justice’ (7:29). The material symbol of justice is a weighing scale. Just as a balance divides things in proper measure, so should man’s acts and deeds tip the scales in favour of justice. In any contentious situation man ought to act fairly, and when he speaks, his words should be weighed by the measure of reality.
The Qur’an has repeatedly commanded that social issues should always be resolved with justice. For instance, the Qur’an says: “Allah commands you to pass judgement upon men with fairness” (4:58). Similarly it says, “Give just weight and full measure... speak for justice, even if it affects your own kinsmen” (6:153). At another place it commands that in controversial matters peace should be made between antagonists in equity and justice.’ (49:9)
It is a general command. In the family and in society differences will always arise. On such occasions, it is the duty of all the concerned members to settle the matter in accordance with justice without tilting towards any party; the settlement should be made according to the demands of justice and truth.
Then the Qur’an enjoins: “O believers, be dutiful to Allah and bearers of just witness. Do not allow your hatred for other men to turn you away from justice. Deal justly; justice is nearer to true piety.” (5:8)
This shows the great importance of justice. That is, we have to stick to justice even when dealing with the enemy. The system of the earth and the heavens is established on perfect justice, so it is only right and proper that man’s code of conduct should likewise be based on justice. In this world of God, there is no place for the path of injustice.