Verse number 105 of the Quran chapter 12 reads: And how many a sign in the heavens and the earth which they pass by, yet they turn aside from it.
This verse tells us that God has been showing such signs continuously in human history as remind man of his limitations, and draw his attention to the fact that he cannot construct a successful life for himself in the world without God’s guidance. But man ignores such signs and fails to draw the desired lesson, and that is why he fails miserably.
Over the last five thousand years the great minds of the world were engaged in philosophical pursuit aimed at discovering the truth, but after a very long struggle they could only discover that the method of philosophy is entirely inadequate to lead man to a (certain) destination.
After the emergence of modern science man came to regard that he can discover truth through scientific method alone, only to learn finally that scientific method can only lead man to the knowledge of things: it cannot lead man to the knowledge of truth.
Over the last several thousand years’ man used to think that spiritual methods can lead him to truth. It was supposed that human heart is the treasure house of all realities. That truth can be discovered by concentrating on the heart. But finally it was proved that the heart is only a means of the circulation of blood; it is not the treasure-house of realities and god realization.
Similarly on seeing the progress of the modern civilization man hoped that the journey of civilization will finally lead to man’s desired world. But the problem of global warning showed that the present world was finally reaching close to its end. That it is just not possible to establish the desired world on the present earth.
Such signs, in nature and history, have been appearing continuously. It seems that the period set by the creator for the present world has now come to its end. Now the time has come for the obliteration/ is brought to and end, replaced by another world: the world of the hereafter.
These words of the Quran are pointing to this fact: On the day when We will roll up heaven like the rolling up of the scroll for writings; as We originated the first creation, (so) We shall reproduce it; a promise (binding on Us); surely We will bring it about. (21:104)
Now the time has finally come for man to wake himself up. That he should take lessons from the signs appearing in nature and history, and thus plan his life in a way that it should benefit/ reward him in his post death period. One who loses this opportunity must know that such a chance is never going to come again.
Man has been given only one simple chance for the building of his future. It is up to man whether or not he makes its proper use or loses the chance. Those who avail this opportunity find themselves in an eternal paradise, while those who fail to avail this chance will find themselves in a state described in the Bible in these words: And will cast them into the furnace of fire.